Album Review: “Gravity Falls” by Before the Silence

Many times, when listening to a band or an artist on a streaming source (i.e. Spotify) you will be prompted to listen to similar bands. “If you like……then you will like…..”. I very often listen for similarities to bands I’m familiar with when listening to someone new. When I first listened to “Gravity Falls” by Before the Silence, my mind went immediately to Rage Against the Machine. Their 2019 single is a mix of rap/metal/punk that definitely shows a heavy “Rage” influence in their songwriting yet, there are subtle differences that make the sound their own.

As I listen to the lyrics, I get the sense the song is all about things around you falling apart. Whether it’s a relationship or your own personal life, it’s a matter of keeping things together while facing adversity. The song is accented by the distorted power chords often heard in the punk/rock genre. the vocals are strong with some well-placed background support.

Overall, if this is your preferred sound, then Before the Silence is a great listen. If you are looking for a little bit more from them, there is a second single (also released in 2019), Crossfire, which deserves some attention as well.

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