Album Review: Alice Sweet Alice – “Circus Maximus: The Modern Bloodshedding”

By Kevin Jenkins

Among my favorite games to play when I am first hearing a band is to try to guess at the influences that have combined to create what it is I’m hearing at the moment. One of my most pleasureable challenges in recent memory is Alice Sweet Alice’s album “Circus Maximus – The Modern Bloodshedding”, not only for their diversity on this album, but also due to a fantastic blend of some classic songwriting formula and a heavy dose of experimental arrangement and artistic presentation.

Throughout this album, there is a distinct thematic thread that links songs together, allowing each song to take on it’s own direction while never wandering too far from home base. Ranging in style from hard driving rock with funk guitars over the top, to gorgeous string-and-piano instrumental pieces, this self-described Female-fronted Rock band with Teeth fails to give themselves enough credit for having pure guts in pushing such a unique blend of sound across the table, and for doing so without apology.

Alice Sweet Alice, as far as I can tell, has something to offer music fans from across the board – from moody and bold bass lines, groove-pounding drums that never over-power, and thoughtful guitar/synth phrases that compliment and balance each other; to soaring vocals over melodic, over-lapping, well-arranged music..

One of the obvious strengths of Alice Sweet Alice is their ability to layer and build and push a piece into multiple movements. A few examples of this are songs such as “Listening to Ghosts” and “Apocalyptica”, which both take hard intentional directional turns that will keep listeners on their toes.
Contrasting that is the straight up rocker title track “Circus Maximus” which grabs for the throat early on and never lets go, or “Behind The Glass” which kicks off the album with heavy dark funk riffs and establishes control right from the start.

I recommend this album be listened to all together as a whole piece, as it truly does flow incredibly well together. This is more than a collection of songs, but rather, a snap-shot of an introspective and experimental group of talented musicians in a time of great creativity and collaboration. Do yourself a favor and check out this album!

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